Sasha Brighton accepts dating wrong people

songstress Sasha Brighton believes she has been very unlucky with her choices for lovers in recent years.

Sasha Brighton, real name Nannozi Joweria, has been in several relationships, often with fellow celebrities, that have turned out fruitless.

Now languishing in the single’s corridor, the singer has started realising that she has indeed been unlucky with her past choices of men.

“If dating wrong people was a talent, I’d be abroad representing my country cheeeei,” she said on social media.

In the comments, most of Sasha Brighton’s fans consoled her to stay firm and patiently wait for the right man who will marry her.

Others, however, had no pity for the songstress.

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They reminded her of how they always warned her against falling in love too easily with celebs.

A few others advised her to also just start the “hit and run” love game.

It is because that way she stands lesser chance of being heartbroken.

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